The Environment
Home > The Environment
Our environmental work focuses on protecting and improving habitats both for wildlife and for people, and as such is very varied! Over Winter we do a lot of work controlling the invasive species Rhododendron Ponticum. During Spring and Summer we concentrate on controlling the spread of Himalayan Balsam and Japanese Knotweed, particularly along our rivers. These alien plants are a terrible threat to our native wild life, and we manage these species in different areas to prevent it becoming too big a problem.
Another area of our environmental work includes planting trees. Our aim here is not only to create more woodland in the Bro, but also as our response to the climate change emergency. We've planted a community orchard, as well as fruit trees and wildflower meadows in all the local schools, and we plan to start a tree nursery to grow trees of local provenance, that can then be distributed to residents and other projects that want to plant.
We continue to develop green spaces and community gardens across the area, and have established several sites with different partners, from housing associations to schools.
We work with groups and individuals of all ages to raise awareness of climate change, pollution, and how to enjoy and care for nature. If you'd like to get involved with any aspect of these community projects then use the 'contact us' button bellow to tell us what you'd like to do!
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